Monday, June 05, 2006


Last week a Judge ruled that the FL DOT must execute and file formal documentation setting forth its decisions regarding bike landes on State Road A1A in Palm Beach County.

Following a number of hearings, the FL DOT (FDOT) decided to make improvements to bike paths as part of a $22-MM plan to repave a 27-mile stretch of A1A from Boca Raton to Palm Beach, over the next few years. Last year FDOT decided to put standard 5-ft wide lanes in Delray Beach but nowhere else.

Attorney for the plaintiffs said that, according to FL statue, "there are only 3 reasons for not placing desingated bicycle lanes along any state road." These are: where their establishment would be contrary to public safety; where the cost would be excessively disproportionate to the need; and where other available means or factors indicated an absence of need.

"All of these," he said, "clearly do not apply to A1A in Palm Beach County." FDOT plans to file the documents within the week, which the plaintiffs will review and accept or reject. Chairman of SAFE, a Delray Beach-based bicycle and pedestrian safety organization said, "The suit is an action for delaratory relief and not for damages... The action involves providing safe bicycling facilities among the 22 miles of A1A from Highland Beach to Palm Beach." SAFE was not a party to the suit, but supports it. He further said, "The lawsuit simply asks a judge to issue an order requiring FDOT to build bicycle lanes where there is sufficient right-of-way."

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